Getting DataTables to map to classes in Cucumber version 4 and above
In Cucumber 2 and below, you could reference classes containing primitive elements in step definitions, and data tables would be mapped automatically.
Scenario: I can search for a reference using multiple search terms which returns multiple results
Given I make a search
Then I expect the following data in the results
| id | title |
| 10011 | My first fantastic result |
| 10023 | My second stupendous result |
| 10037 | My third terrific result |
@Then("^I expect the following data in the results$")
public void iExpectTheFollowingDataInTheResults(List<SearchResult> results)
* results = [
* SearchResult(id=10011, title="My first fantastic result")
* SearchResult(id=10023, title="My second stupendous result")
* SearchResult(id=10037, title="My third terrific result")
* ]
In Cucumber 3 and above, this ceases to work, and gives an error message:
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Could not convert arguments for step [^I expect the following data in the results$] defined at 'stepDefinition.SearchSteps.iExpectTheFollowingDataInTheResults(SearchResult>) in file:/C:/myproject/target/test-classes/'.
It appears you did not register a data table type. The details are in the stacktrace below.
at cucumber.runner.PickleStepDefinitionMatch.registerTypeInConfiguration(
at cucumber.runner.PickleStepDefinitionMatch.runStep(
at cucumber.runner.TestStep.executeStep(
at cucumber.runner.Runner.runPickle(
at cucumber.runtime.Runtime$
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.base/
at cucumber.runtime.Runtime$SameThreadExecutorService.execute(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(
at cucumber.api.cli.Main.main(
Caused by: io.cucumber.datatable.UndefinedDataTableTypeException: Can't convert DataTable to List<stateObjects.SearchResult>.
You can register a DataTableType using DataTableType.entry(stateObjects.SearchResult.class).
For more control you can define your own DataTableType with a TableEntryTransformer or TableRowTransformer for stateObjects.SearchResult.
at io.cucumber.datatable.UndefinedDataTableTypeException.listNoConverterDefined(
at io.cucumber.datatable.DataTableTypeRegistryTableConverter.toList(
at io.cucumber.datatable.DataTableTypeRegistryTableConverter.convert(
at io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable.convert(
at io.cucumber.stepexpression.StepExpressionFactory$3.transform(
at io.cucumber.stepexpression.DataTableArgument.getValue(
at cucumber.runner.PickleStepDefinitionMatch.runStep(
... 14 more
This helpfully tells you what to do, but not where to do it.
You can register a DataTableType using DataTableType.entry(stateObjects.SearchResult.class).
The release post for Cucumber 3.0.0 indicates that you should place a class implementing cucumber.api.TypeRegistryConfigurer
on the glue path. The glue path is one of the values given in @CucumberOptions(glue=["glue path goes here", "or here"])
on your CucumberRunner
: you’ll likely already have one for your step definitions or your hooks.
Cucumber 4 includes the methods specified in the stack trace to easily convert particular classes (these are deprecated in later versions of 4 and removed in 5).
public class TypeRegistryConfiguration implements TypeRegistryConfigurer
public Locale locale()
return Locale.ENGLISH;
public void configureTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry registry)
An alternative is to add a default data table entry transformer, bringing back behaviour close to version 2. This is also available from version 4, as described in the release notes.
public class TypeRegistryConfiguration implements TypeRegistryConfigurer
public Locale locale()
return Locale.ENGLISH;
public void configureTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
JacksonTableTransformer jacksonTableTransformer = new JacksonTableTransformer();
private static final class JacksonTableTransformer implements TableEntryByTypeTransformer, TableCellByTypeTransformer {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public <T> T transform(Map<String, String> entry, Class<T> type, TableCellByTypeTransformer cellTransformer) {
return objectMapper.convertValue(entry, type);
public <T> T transform(String value, Class<T> cellType) {
return objectMapper.convertValue(value, cellType);
Cucumber 5 also offers many other ways of defining transformations, but if you don’t need access to the test context during the transformation the previous method involving the TypeRegistryConfigurer
should continue to work well. There are now convenience methods for (for example) defining a data cell to map to a blank string or to null using annotations, by specifying @DataTableType
on a Map<String, String> => TargetClass